Privacy Statement
Terms & Conditions:
The following information tells you the terms of use on which you may make use of the Powell & Barns website either as a guest user or as a subscriber to Powell & Barns services.
Website terms of use
Please read these terms of use carefully before you start to use the site. By using the Powell & Barns website you indicate that you accept these terms of use and that you agree to abide by them. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please refrain from using the website.
Information about us is a website that is operated by Powell & Barns Group Limited.
The Agency is a private business based in Surrey, London.
Accessing the site
Access to the site is on a temporary basis and Powell & Barns Limited reserves the right to withdraw or amend the information it provides on the website without notice. Powell & Barns Limited will not be liable if for any reason the website is unavailable.
If you have been issued with or created a user account and password to access a restricted area of the site then you must not allow these to be used by other people or organisations to access the website. You should inform Powell & Barns Limited if you know or suspect that someone else knows your details. In this instance please email
Any material published on this website does not give a full statement of the law, nor does it reflect changes after the date stated on each document. It is intended for guidance only and is not a substitute for professional advice. No responsibility for loss occasioned as a result of any person acting or refraining from acting on the basis of this material can be accepted by the author or by Powell & Barns Limited.
Materials and Resources
Powell & Barns Limited makes Materials and Resources (including but not limited to: videos, webinars, research, conference slides and toolkits) available on the Powell & Barns group of websites to users under the terms of the Creative Commons Licence, unless otherwise stated. The Creative Commons Licence allows you to use the 'Materials and Resources' throughout the world without payment but for non-commercial purposes only.
Direct use of Materials and Resources are not permitted for non- Powell & Barns delivered training or consultancy purposes however we actively encourage the referral and use of these amongst members of the powell & barns business community.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure that information and documents contained in this site are correct and error free, no responsibility or liability can be accepted by Powell & Barns Limited for any loss or damage incurred as a result of relying on information or downloading files contained within this website. In accordance with standard computer practice we strongly recommend that you use and regularly update anti-virus software and submit all downloaded documents to a virus checker prior to opening.
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All intellectual property rights of any nature (including copyright) created or provided by Powell & Barns Limited or its employees or Associates shall be and remain the property of Powell & Barns Limited and any such materials shall be licensed to you for your internal use only. Powell & Barns Media status (and any identified contributors) as authors of material on the site should always be acknowledged.
You should undertake to keep all materials created by Powell & Barns as owned by Powell & Barns Limited and not to copy, publish or distribute any such information, materials or documents to any third party without Powell & Barns Limited prior written consent (save where such information is in the public domain or you are required to disclose such information by law). You must not modify the paper or digital copies of any materials you have printed off or downloaded in any way.
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Commentary and other materials posted on our site are not intended to amount to advice on which reliance should be placed. We therefore disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on such materials by any visitor to our site, or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents.
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Powell & Barns Limited owns the copyright for its own images and they are part of the Powell & Barns Media brand. Powell & Barns Media will retain sole use of these images in the public and private domain until further notice.
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This website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s) and these sites will have their own privacy policies. We try to ensure all links are as up to date as possible.
To make users aware that they are leaving our site, all external links open in a new window.
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You may link to the Powell & Barns Media site as long as this is done is a way that is fair and legal and does not damage Powell & Barns Limited 's reputation. You must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest that there is any approval or endorsement where none exists.
If you wish to make sure of any material on the website other than what is listed above then please email
Contact us
If you have any concerns or queries regarding the website please contact us.
Some help and tips on how to use accessibility features:
Acronyms and abbreviations
Wherever possible we avoid using jargon and always provide explanations for acronyms and abbreviations.
All of our images and graphics have 'alt text' and written descriptions.
Top of Form
Standards compliance
PDF (Portable Document Format)
Some material on the website is provided in PDF Format, and can be accessed using software such as Adobe Reader. Modern versions of PDF software, such as Adobe, have a number of features which improve the accessibility of PDF files. However, if you continue to have trouble reading them, variety of free online tools for converting PDF files to HTML or text are available on the internet.
For disability access, PDF files may be converted to accessible web pages using Adobe's online conversion tools You will need the URL of the file in question. This will be in the format of the name of the link. The Adobe Acrobat Accessibility site has more information.
PDF files preserve all the fonts, formatting, graphics, and colour of a printed document once it is placed on a website. Several documents on our website are provided in PDF format.
PDF accessibility
PDF file standards have improved over the years and have become more accessible through technologies like screen readers, navigation through the keyboard and enhanced screen viewing. The Adobe website provides information on how best to use these features, however you may encounter earlier versions of PDF files which are not so accessible.
My web, my way
The BBC and have teamed up to provide great information about how to adapt your computer and web browser visit the site at
We are committed to providing a high quality, accessible and responsive service to our members, stakeholders and the general public. One of the ways in which we can continue to improve our service to you and to other consumers is by listening and responding to your comments and complaints.
How to send your feedback
You can send us your comments or complaints on our service, which we will deal with confidentially, by telephone, online or in writing.
Complaints about the professional conduct of a Marketig Consultant or associated representative of Powell & Barns Media
In writing to:
Chief Executive
Powell & Barns Media
Unit 6 Tulip Tree Court
By email to:
By telephone: 0203 7741262
Your comments about our work
We are always pleased to receive your comments about our work. It is useful for us to know when we have done a good job, as well as when things have gone less well. This helps us maintain and enhance our service to all our members, stakeholders and customers.
Your complaints
We hope you will be fully satisfied with the products, services and advice provided by our team, but if you have a complaint about our service we want to hear from you. We will take your complaint seriously, and will address it and respond to it as quickly as possible.
What we need to know and what happens next?
To help us investigate your complaint, please provide as much of the following information as possible when you contact us:
Whether it is an original complaint, or a follow-up to a reply you were not satisfied with.
A clear description of the complaint and what you would like us to do to sort things out.
Your full postal address, telephone number (including dialing code), and email address if you have one.
What happens next?
We will acknowledge your complaint within five working days. We hope to respond in full within this time, but if this is not possible we will explain why and give you a date by which you can expect a full reply.